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अधिकतम प्रदर्शन करें


डॉक्टर ने बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए बायोएक्टिव मिश्रण तैयार किया

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Perform Max Capsules
Perform Max Capsules Benefits
Perform Max Capsules
Take control in a bed with Perform Max Capsules
ForMen Perform Max Capsules

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अधिकतम प्रदर्शन करें


डॉक्टर ने बेहतर प्रदर्शन के लिए बायोएक्टिव मिश्रण तैयार किया

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हर्बल अर्क का एक शक्तिशाली जैवसक्रिय मिश्रण, जो चिकित्सकीय रूप से प्राकृतिक तरीके से प्रदर्शन में सुधार करने के लिए जाना जाता है।
ईडी के लिए डॉक्टर द्वारा अनुशंसित

प्राकृतिक अवयवों के साथ ईडी से निपटने के लिए प्रमाणित डॉक्टरों और नैदानिक ​​विशेषज्ञों द्वारा निर्धारित

स्वाभाविक रूप से कठोर बनें

रक्त प्रवाह को उत्तेजित करके और पुरुष हार्मोन के स्तर को बढ़ावा देकर प्राकृतिक तरीके से कठोरता प्राप्त करने में आपकी सहायता करें

सुरक्षित एवं शक्तिशाली तत्व

उच्च सुरक्षा, मानक और क्षमता वाले बायोएक्टिव्स

50% तक छूट पाएं!

अब सहनशक्ति बढ़ाएँ
Helps you get hard in bed
Boosts performance & stamina
Improves mood
Trusted by 10,000+ indian men

भोजन के बाद एक गिलास दूध या पानी के साथ 2 कैप्सूल लें।
इसे सुबह और शाम एक गिलास पानी के साथ या चिकित्सक की सिफारिश के अनुसार लेना बेहतर होगा।


Pure, high-quality, lab-tested, effective ingredients sourced from the best locations.


Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract

Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract is clinically known to improve penile rigidity and enhance arterial blood flow to gonads and help maintain an erection for longer.


Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) Root Extract

Ashwagandha 2.5% with anolides, this ingredients is clinically known to improve testosterone levels, enhance blood flow to the pineal gland, and reduce stress and anxiety levels.


Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) Leaf Extract

Brahmi leaf extract with >20% triterpenoid saponins (bacosides), is clinically known to improve cerebral blood flow and reduce stress and anxiety levels, thereby enhancing your performance.


Shatavari Root Extract

It contains Shatavari Root extract with >20% saponins (shatavarins), is clinically known to improve blood flow to pineal gland, and reduce stress and anxiety levels.


Safed Musli Root Extract

Safed Musli root extract with 20% saponins, is clinically known to improve testosterone levels, sexual vigour and sexual arousal. It increases the sexual desire and helps to maintain the erection during intercourse.



Magnesium is essential for metabolism of Nitric Oxide which helps in penile erection and helps in reducing anxiety. Low levels of magnesium are linked with Erectile Dysfunction in men.



It contains Zinc as Zinc Sulphate. It is one of the essential trace elements and its supplementation was found to increase the semen volume, sperm motility and the sperm quality in men.


Vitamin D3

Several clinical studies identified that Vitamin D3 deficiency may cause Erectile Dysfunction. Vitamin D3 supplementation is known to improve sexual performance by aiding testosterone biogenesis.



It significantly increases the absorption of various herbal extracts vitamins, minerals & other nutrients into the body i.e., increases bio-availability. In the absence of BioPerine, the nutrients consumed may be excreted without being absorbed in the body.

डॉक्टर क्या कहते हैं?

पुरुषों में इरेक्टाइल समस्याएं (इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन) काफी आम हैं और किसी भी आयु वर्ग में देखी जा सकती हैं। इसके कई कारण हो सकते हैं, जिनमें से अधिकांश का इलाज संभव है। उपचार का तरीका समग्र और स्वास्थ्यवर्धक होना चाहिए। जीवनशैली में बदलाव, सप्लीमेंट और एलोपैथिक दवाएँ, सभी समस्या के कारण के आधार पर अपनी भूमिका निभाते हैं। मैग्नीशियम, जिंक जैसे कुछ खनिज और विटामिन डी2 जैसे विटामिन इरेक्टाइल समस्याओं में लाभकारी साबित हुए हैं। अश्वगंधा, ब्राह्मी, सफ़ेद मूसली, जिन्को और शतावरी जैसी प्राकृतिक जड़ी-बूटियाँ भी पुरुषों के यौन स्वास्थ्य में लाभकारी साबित हुई हैं।




Customer Questions
& Answers


It is a very common male sexual dysfunction that is said to occur when a guy has difficulty in obtaining or maintaining an erection. It can be seen in any age group, more commonly seen in the older population.


You may not be able to get an erection / hardness of the penis, that is needed. Or you may feel unequal hardness. You may also lose the hardness quickly and also have reduced desire to indulge in sexual activity.


Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of factors, including both mental and physical issues. Among the most common causes are:cardiovascular disease,diabetes,hypertension, or high blood pressure,stress,anxiety,high cholesterol,obesity,low Testosterone levels or other hormone imbalances,kidney disease,increased age,depression


This is a very common question asked by many people. The answer is No, masturbating does not cause ED; this is a misconception. Masturbation is a healthy and common practice that has no effect on erection quality or frequency.


Erection problems can occur at any age, there are no upper or lower age limits. It is generally seen more commonly as age increases.


Perform MAX capsules are a unique blend of herbs, vitamins and Minerals that help increase blood flow to the reproductive organs and help achieve adequate erections. It has proven to be effective in 70-80% people after regular usage. All ingredients are scientifically proven to improve sexual function.


Cure / improvement depend on on the cause. Allopathic medicines usually give immediate results, while supplements & herbs give results, when taken regularly for at least 90-100 days. Severe cases may require surgery. If ED is because of co-morbidities like Diabetes etc, they need to be treated too.


Pills, pumps, and surgeries are all known to help with erectile dysfunction, but what about food? Yes, it is well recognized that food can aid in the improvement of some causes of ED, especially in cases of nutrient & mineral deficient diets. Below are some examples – Watermelon, Oysters, coffee, dark chocolate, nuts, juice, garlic, fish, peppers, green vegetables, olive oil etc.


Yes, erectile dysfunction can be treated permanently. Consult our doctors to know more about the available treatments.


Yes. Genuine nutraceuticals formulated with the help of doctors, pharmacists and scientists, based on research will surely help in treatment of erection problems. They, however, have to be taken regularly in correct doses as per the physician’s advice.


Nutraceuticals are made up of majorly organic and herbal ingredients, vitamins, and minerals. Perform MAX is the best medicine for erectile dysfunction that has no or minimal side effects. Always consume only in prescribed doses and check with your doctor in case you are taking other medicines.

Customer Reviews

Based on 72 reviews
Reliable Enhancement

Perform Max has been part of my routine for over two months, and the benefits are undeniable. It helps me get hard, boosts my stamina, and keeps my mood elevated. Highly reliable!

More energetic!

Since I started using Perform Max tablets, my performance and stamina in bed have improved greatly. Plus, I feel happier and more energetic.



Fantastic experience..!

These tablets have been a game-changer for me. They enhance my performance and stamina, plus my mood has never been better. Fantastic!

Highly Effective

I've tried other products, but Perform Max tablets stand out. They help me get hard quickly and keep my mood elevated. Excellent product!


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